Joint Industry Programme - Warees HalalWarees Halal

Joint Industry Programme - Warees HalalWarees Halal

Joint Industry Programme - Warees HalalWarees Halal

Joint Industry Programme - Warees HalalWarees Halal

Joint Industry Programme - Warees HalalWarees Halal
Joint Industry Programme - Warees HalalWarees Halal

Joint Industry Programme


Joint Industry Programme represents a collaborative initiative between a training provider and institutes of higher learning. These programmes aim to bridge the gap between academic knowledge and practical industry skills by combining the resources and expertise of both entities.

In these training initiatives, Warees Halal Limited (WHL) and our higher education institution partners join forces to offer comprehensive, hands-on training experiences that align with industry needs. These programs often incorporate real-world scenarios, case studies, and practical applications, ensuring that participants gain not only theoretical knowledge but also relevant, industry-specific skills.

The collaboration between WHL and institutes of higher learning enables a dynamic synergy between academic insights and industry practices. Participants in these joint training programmes benefit from a well-rounded educational experience, equipping them with the expertise and practical know-how necessary for success in their respective fields.

Ultimately, Joint Industry Programmes foster a stronger connection between academia and industry, addressing the skills gap and producing professionals who are not only academically qualified but also well-prepared to excel in the ever-evolving landscape of their chosen industries.

Our Joint Industry Training Programmes


This course aims to fast-track learners in gaining foundational competencies in the areas of food science, Halal industry, and Halal certification.