Operating Standards - Warees HalalWarees Halal

Operating Standards - Warees HalalWarees Halal

Operating Standards - Warees HalalWarees Halal

Operating Standards - Warees HalalWarees Halal

Operating Standards - Warees HalalWarees Halal
Operating Standards - Warees HalalWarees Halal

Warees Halal strives to operate and provide services at the highest possible standards and has attained these local and international certifications.


Tripartite Standard on Flexible Work Arrangements (FWA)



Warees Halal Limited has adopted the Tripartite Standard on Flexible Work Arrangements and has committed to be a fair and progressive employer.


Tripartite Standard on Unpaid Leave For Unexpected Care Needs



Warees Halal Limited has adopted the Tripartite Standard on Unpaid Leave For Unexpected Care Needs and has committed to be a fair and progressive employer.